Now Enrolling Summer Camp 2025
quad ran gle
A quadrangle, often shortened to Quad, is a meeting place - the social heart of a place of learning.
The Quad Manhattan is an inclusive meeting place for Twice-Exceptional kids - a place where social and executive functioning "life" skills are developed through FUN!
The Quad is also SNEAKY - our experts use strengths and passions to hide skill development in creative and engaging after-school classes and during our summer camp.
Hours of Operation
August-June (School Year)
Monday...............................................................................................................8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Tuesday..............................................................................................................8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Wednesday.................................................................................................8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Thursday............................................................................................................8:00 AM-4:00 PM
Friday.......................................................................................................................8:00 AM-4:00 PM
July-August (Summer Hours)
Monday-Friday.............................................................................................8 AM-5 PM
The Quad Manhattan hosts private phone calls and video conferences with all prospective parents, where you can meet instructors, explore programs, and ask questions. Additionally, we will host limited on-site visits by appointment for those who have completed an application. Call or email today to inquire and set up an individualized appointment.
Summer Camp Open Houses
Check back in January for Summer 2025 Open House information!